His keen interests in electrical engineering and fixing broken electrical tools earned him quite a reputation among the locals. If it has anything to do with electric, they just have to have an expert fix it - my dad; from the local public right up to the then Chief Minister (CM) of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tun Abd Rahman Yaakub and Governor, Tun Sallehuddin, it will always be my dad to be called unto to fix the TV or instal the new VHS VCR. Practically everybody in Kuching knows Hj. Basri, my dad (and to add a bit, quite a number of people especially those in the news industry in KL knows Hj. Basri of Sarawak.
Realising a market for his expertise, this has led my dad to open up a small shop named, Beema Electricals & Electronics at the BINA MARA shop centre, Jln. Hj. Taha, Kuching. A year later, in 1982, my dad operated Beema Electricals & Electronics at a bigger premise at Rubber Road. However, business was not too promising and it later dwindled to a stop.
Not long after, my dad joined a construction company as General Manager. Teaming up with Mr. Lau Kim Jee (as I recalled, a very nice Chinese man, always gave us hampers), and the late Hj. Salleh Embai (we call him "Usu Aji" (uncle bongsu) - that was the title my parents used to call him, so for us, its Nek Usu Aji). If my memory serves me right, they were coordinating the building of the Santubong bridge at that time. After Krian Construction, my dad joined Sarahon Construction, also as General Manager. However, later, due to some family conflicts within the company, my dad left.
And with a strong determination to keep the family together, my dad continues to work hard for a living and my mother resumes to work back at PBB Satok. At this time, somewhere in 1986, my parents' involvement in the local political scene has deepened. They had been in politics since the mid-60s. Caught up in the whirlwind of political instability of Sarawak at that time, my parents later become one of the few victims of political condemnation (just because they share a different view and/or make human mistakes...freedom of speech???) Life was tough.
Writing this now and having a family of my own, it made me realise how bad things were at that time...but my elder sister, my younger siblings (aged 11, 9, 7 and 3yrs old) and myself were oblivious of the situation. I guess my parents kept the true picture from us so as not to demotivate us or affect our studies). God Bless our parents...
In 1989, my dad finally got an interview and subsequently offered to join a local FTA private TV station as a freelance cameraman cum broadcast journalist (or a stringer). I remembered how happy my dad sounded when he relayed the news to me on the phone. I was in the UK at that time. I was also very happy for them. I knew life has been tough for them since the political upturn in 1987.
But being a cameraman cum broadcast journalist is not an easy task. To the locals in Kuching, just holding the infamous TV station's logo at that time was real glamorous; hence fueling envious feelings from certain political clans and individuals alike. But my dad stuck to his principle and responsibilities, and together with an undivided support from my mother, they both continue to do their task. And almost every night, there will be news coverage from Sarawak. My dad the cameraman, my mom the reporter cum interviewer.
It was no easy job. I had my share of being a reporter too. Its a funny incident actually. I was asked to interview the ACP following the incidence of some kidnapped babies at Kpg. Gita. I really didn't know what to ask but after the subsequent glare from my dad, peering from behind the huge Betacam lens, not to mention the pending anger from him, I just shoot with some nonsense question and lived...)
As a reporter then and for someone with a tainted political involvement, my dad had his fair share of dejected "moments". There were times, he was rudely asked to leave functions and not to cover news. There was also a time when the rudeness turned physical (I think there was a newspaper clipping on this issue) at a football event at the Sarawak stadium. Despite the loatheful and cruel unjustified condemnation on my parents by some "concerned parties", my dad continued to do his part in contributing to the state. Though not many, at that time would consider it as a contribution, but with perseverance, control and lots of patience, my dad continued his "perjuangan" to bring news on Sarawak, continued to be the source for the voices of the people of Sarawak to be heard, nationwide.
Well, after a few years of operating from the back of our home at Perumahan, my dad finally agreed to join all other state stringers to synergise the news operations in the different states. Finally, in May 1995, a consortium was formed.
Appreciating the contribution and undivided commitments these stringers has shown, not to mention the expertise to boot, the then management team of the local private fta TV station agreed to build a new beginning for these stringers in particular, and the business of venturing into the provision of the local video news service as a whole (see NST publication Saturday, May 27, 1995 below).

Led by the late Saad Long (Kedah), the other state stringers were my dad, Hj. Basri Mohamad (Sarawak), Ghazali Yahya (Sabah), Zainal Abidin (Pahang), Abdul Ghani Mahmud(Johor), Noran Abdullah (Kelantan), Sharom Bakar (Terengganu), Lam Koon Sang (Perak), Zulkipli Che Sab (Penang), Hamid Jumahan (Melaka), and Mohd. Ali Chooi Abdullah (Negeri Sembilan).
The ensuing video is dedicated to the pioneers of EESB, our "forgotten journalists".
Kenangan manis yang teramat sangat mengusik jiwa dan raga...huhuhuhu
Salam kpd bapa..kenangan mengusik jiwa ni..huhuhuhuhh
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